Most Recent Auto Insurance Articles in Car Insurance For Women

  • Another Special Kind of Insurance: Car Insurance for Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    The society has always considered men as the dominating and stronger gender. However, for some cases, women also get a special treatment. One of which is the car insurance for women. So far, no insurance company has offered a gender-specific product such as this one. Insurance companies have long considered women as a better driver than men, because of the fact that they make less and cheaper claims. Usually, the write-offs are cheaper because most women driver who suffered accidents … (more) March 7, 2010

  • Finding the Right Car Insurance for Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    There is a significant difference in availability and cost of car insurance for women compared to that of men. This is because of evidence based on statistical studies that women are more prudent drivers, hence; they get into fewer accidents than men. Moreover, it has been shown through study that women are generally cooler than men when driving. This also contributes to the said conclusion. It means that insurers may be more willing to offer car insurance for women than … (more) February 22, 2010

  • Car Insurance for Women is Cheaper

    by Ricky Lawrence

    You must agree that even if men are generally dominating in this society, women are given preferential treatment in some aspects. If you are a man, try applying for car insurance with a lady and you will know that there are specific products of car insurance for women that are cheaper than those offered to you. Men may cry unfair but that is the way it is. Even if there are no claims that the ladies drive better than men, … (more) February 20, 2010

  • Considerations In Getting Car Insurance For Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    According to statistics on car insurance, women are more careful when it comes to driving their vehicles. Naturally, they also have lesser chances of getting involved in an auto accident. This is why many insurance companies have come up with the concept of car insurance for women. Getting insurance for your vehicle is not as easy as it appears. The requirements and the costs can cause great hassle at times. For women, however, having car insurance for women in their … (more) February 16, 2010

  • Get Your Business Back on Track by Providing Cheaper Car Insurance for Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    Competition in the business of insurance is already stiff as it is. A lot of companies suffer reverses and loss of income especially during this period of economic difficulty. The sad thing is, your company is probably one of them and you are probably wondering right now how to get back on your feet. The answer lies here: cheaper car insurance for women. Why, you ask? It is because the female driving population is a rich ground for potential clients. … (more) February 5, 2010

  • Car Insurance for Women: What Affects Your Rates?

    by Ricky Lawrence

    The popular notion that women are better drivers does not have a factual basis, but it cannot be refused that they generally have lesser involvement in traffic accidents than their male counterparts. They also make fewer and cheaper claims from insurers. Even statistics proves that female drivers drive lower mileage than males. Because the distance they travel is less, they are likely to enjoy cheaper insurance premiums. Car insurance for women is purchased less expensively because women drive more carefully … (more) February 2, 2010

  • The Advantage of Being a Woman in Getting Auto Insurance

    by Ricky Lawrence

    In a conventional perspective, men are usually deemed more powerful, more influential and usually get the better end of things; but in the world of auto insurance, women get better deals. Most car insurance companies offer cheaper policies to female drivers. Hence, if you are male and cannot help but wonder why women can get lower car insurance rates, here are some reasons why. First, auto insurance companies require a lower premium from women because of their innate keenness for … (more) January 27, 2010

  • How To Get Premiums As Low As Car Insurance For Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    Let us all face it – female drivers get cheaper auto insurance than men. Why? It is all because of their discipline and safe driving. Insurers love giving affordable car insurance for women because they less likely file claims as a result of the fact that they rarely get into accidents. Do you want to have insurance premiums as low as theirs? Then follow these simple reminders: 1.    Shop for quotes online – this is one of the most common … (more) January 26, 2010