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How to Get a Cheap yet Reliable Car Insurance


Who wouldn’t like to have the best car insurance with a very affordable rate? Of course all car owners would love to be insured less expensively. The thing though is that when you tried checking and comparing on the coverage and policy quotes online, the prices are really so high that you started doing a mental calculation. It would be a real big increase in your family’s monthly expense. But on the second thought, you still preferred to be driving safely and confidently every day.

God news is that there would be some ways on how you can enjoy a slash from your policy premium rate. Check out the ways and religiously follow them; you’ll surely be grateful for doing so.

It might not be clear to a lot but the mileage can be a great factor for reducing your policy premium. But how does it work? Indemnity companies believe that when a car is used seldom, the chances of getting involved in a car or road accidents are too low.  Try to limit your mileage to 7,500 miles a year; this can vary though with different insurance companies and your state insurance law.

Indemnity companies ‘also reward’ safe drivers of great premium discounts so keep your driving record or history clear as possible. Doing so will let you enjoy an accident-free driving and great discount at the same time.

Try to secure your car in a safe place when not in use. If you can, invest on a garage. Your location is also a factor being looked on when purchasing a car policy. If you live in a place that is pretty much prone to car thieves or robbers, expect a higher rate for that. But you still can try something to lessen your premium. Have a car security installed; companies also check and consider on this. Again, this is like hitting two birds with one stone; you get your car safe from thieves and you too can enjoy a premium discount.

Of course availing of promos from policy companies is a sure way to get discounts but be very careful on this. There might be some hidden charges behind it so understand everything. If there is a part that you can’t fully understand, ask the agent very well until you get the clarification you needed or better yet, ask around. Ask for some people who had the promo with the same company and check whether it is worth availing it.

Two of the most important things you have to have when you hit the road are defence driving skills and a reliable car insurance.