Plymouth Auto Insurance in Indiana

While buying Plymouth car insurance, it is important to also ask the Plymouth auto insurance company in Indiana about the procedure to follow while filing claims. Though the process is relatively simple in the case of a few companies, there are many other Plymouth auto insurance companies where the process is very stringent.

Filing an auto insurance claim in Plymouth, Indiana

Filing a claim is not as complex as it is worked out to be, once you understand the flow of events it is quite a breeze. Events ensue in this order, immediately after the accident you check yourself and all others involved for any signs of bodily injury and call 911 and notify the police of the incident and exact location in Plymouth, Indiana. Once the police reach the scene they file their report and record statements from all the individuals present. The next step is for you to file your claim after which the insurance company will send over a representative who will assess the damage and approve or reject the claim based on his investigation.

Placing the call to police and the insurance company

There are thousands of accidents that happen everyday; however most of them are minor incidents and don't require assistance from the police or your insurance company if both parties agree to part ways amicably. If the accident is a meager fender bender you might not need to call upon the police and your insurer. Every time you make a claim, your premium for the next term shoots up; so it's best to not report accidents you don't need to. On the other hand you need to ensure that you and the other driver are not injured, a small bump on the head can develop complications later and without the protection of your insurance you could end up spending a few thousand dollars on medical bills.

Filing the actual claim

Place a call to your insurance company or their office in Plymouth, Indiana and request the form for a claim, most companies have this form available on their websites and you can just download and print it out. Fill out the form properly and make sure all the data filled in correct and accurate. The insurance company will send over an adjuster who will come over to judge the extent of damage to your car. After the adjuster finishes the evaluation you may now go ahead and get your car fixed. Based on his or her evaluation the insurance company will make the payout in response to your claim.


The insurance company will consider the following while analyzing your claim, the statement you make to your insurance company, the statement the other party makes to your insurance company, the police report which was filed on the day of the accident, and the physical damage. If witnesses were present the insurance company will record their statement too.

Local auto insurance quotes in your area can help you compare car insurance quotes for auto insurance coverage in all of the following ZIP codes in Plymouth


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