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How to Have Low Cost Car Insurance


With the prices of fuel rising and going out of control, the costs of running and maintaining a car has become a chore in most families. One of these expenses is car insurance and it involves a lot of money.  This is why more people look for ways to lower car costs, particularly car coverage.

It is possible to have low cost car insurance. Here are some ways to cut down on costs:

1. Drive carefully

It sounds obvious, but people overlook this fact. Being a careful driver not only keeps you out of trouble, but also results to having low cost car insurance premiums. The equation goes like this: cautious driver equals lower rates. Traffic violations, speeding fines or arrest records affect your bills.

2. Compare insurance policies from your current insurer with other companies

Insurers usually offer discounts when clients combine all their insurance policies. Check out which of these companies will allow this and get a quote on all your collective policies.

3. Look at the differences in premiums for the type of car you have

Different cars have different levels of premium. This is because drivers of these cars have distinct personalities, which is reflected through the cars they are driving and on how high or low their risk profile is. For example, sports cars show a higher risk of accidents than the usual family car.

4. Deductibles

Deductibles play a significant role in getting low cost car insurance. Think of it this way, the higher the deductible the lower the premium. Ask yourself first if you can afford to pay a high deductible in case of an accident.

5. Safety First

Having safety and anti-theft devices installed in your car can be very helpful in availing low cost car insurance. Talk to your insurance company if there are safety equipments that can be installed to reduce your premium. When you do plan to install a safety feature, make sure you notify the company first. In case they have no idea you already have one set up, give them a call.

6. Online Quotes

Most insurance brokers can be seen online either through company or personal websites. This stiff competition has resulted in more affordable quotes.

7. Instead of paying blindly check if you can do better

Most people would just pay right away without thinking if anything else could be done to reduce insurance costs. Car insurance rates change every year. What you paid a year ago may not apply for this year.  Make it a point to check annually and see if you can find a better option to save money on car insurance.