Auto Insurance Articles Archive for 2010

  • How to save effectively on auto owners insurance

    by Jasper Ericks

    Getting auto owners insurance can be a nightmare if you aren’t sure of the ways in which you might be able to get optimum quotes. It is important to know the different tricks that one can use to save on auto insurance, as it can really come in handy over a period of time. It isn’t like rocket science; on the contrary, it is much simpler than what you think it might be. Continue reading to see ways in which … (more) November 6, 2010

  • Auto insurance for seniors and how to get the best rates

    by Jasper Ericks

    There is good discount available for seniors on auto insurance. The reason is very simple. Seniors are expected to drive less which greatly reduces the chance of accidents or theft of the car. However, seniors too can ensure they get very good rates and get discounts. Refresh driving skills There are refresher driving courses offered by AARP, which include the 8 hour, 55 Alive, course that will not only help seniors refresh their driving skills but also ensure they can … (more) November 5, 2010

  • Is auto collision insurance necessary

    by Jasper Ericks

    Auto insurance can be expensive by itself, without taking on any kind of extra features. However, there are certain cases when you might want to consider these extra features, just to be on the safe side. In fact, a feature that many people think twice about is auto collision insurance. Many people think of this as unnecessary expense, since they are looking out for ways in which they could save money. After all, most states across the country deem that … (more) November 5, 2010

  • How to know if you have a realistic automobile insurance quotes

    by Jasper Ericks

    The internet is a wide source of automobile insurance quotes. One can find many websites that presents automobile insurance quotes from different automobile insurance companies in their own states. It can give several quotes at once enabling the person to compare them and see what rate best fits their budget and their needs as a vehicle owner and driver. Another good thing about getting this information in the internet is that it is very accessible. Instead of going around town … (more) November 4, 2010

  • Features and benefits of auto collision insurance

    by Jasper Ericks

    Auto collision insurance offers coverage for collision damage costs, when the accident was your fault and you wouldn’t be able to get liability coverage from the other party. It is more like asset coverage. While comprehensive insurance covers most of the natural disasters and unforeseen conditions that are beyond your control and liability insurance will offer coverage when the accident wasn’t your fault, collision coverage would be the right thing to complement them to get all round coverage. Components of … (more) November 4, 2010

  • Why auto insurance for seniors is expensive

    by Jasper Ericks

    When compared with an average automobile insurance of a middle aged person, auto insurance for seniors is much more expensive. The reason for the high cost is because the elderly are considered as high risk drivers. Statistics say that when people reach their sixties they become more vulnerable to accidents. They become weak and they seldom survive injuries. There are over 30 million registered drivers in the United States that are over the age of 60 and it has been … (more) November 3, 2010

  • The ideal profile to get the best auto insurance rates

    by Jasper Ericks

    If you are the kinds that want to have stellar insurance rates, then you might perhaps be interested in knowing how it might be possible to build a profile that gets a good rate. There are a number of different tips and tricks that you can make use of here, but some of the most commonly used ones are listed below. Depending on what you can fix more easily, you might probably want to consider going in for that and … (more) November 3, 2010

  • How to get cheaper auto insurance for seniors

    by Jasper Ericks

    It is hard to admit but becoming older has its disadvantages. Life becomes more difficult to keep up with especially when living in a busy environment like the city. Older people become weak, more vulnerable to different kinds of illnesses, can’t do what they are supposed to do because of physical transformations, and more likely to take in vitamins or medication for maintenance. Although there are perks in becoming a senior like the senior citizens’ discount, a seniors’ lane, and … (more) November 2, 2010