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Why auto insurance for seniors is expensive


When compared with an average automobile insurance of a middle aged person, auto insurance for seniors is much more expensive. The reason for the high cost is because the elderly are considered as high risk drivers. Statistics say that when people reach their sixties they become more vulnerable to accidents. They become weak and they seldom survive injuries. There are over 30 million registered drivers in the United States that are over the age of 60 and it has been reported that the annual average number of car accidents that involve them is more than 6,000. From this number, most of them do not survive.

Another reason why auto insurance for seniors is expensive is because of the physical changes that they undergo. Although this does not apply to every person over the age of 65, auto insurance companies still take this into account when dealing with clients who are seniors. Most often than not, seniors will have vision, hearing, and medical problems. This contributes to the likelihood of them being involved in a car crash. Their senses are not that acceptable anymore that it causes them to engage in collision. Another is that, they seem to lose their sense of focus and they get distracted easily. They also have delayed reaction time which in turn would result to abrupt minor car accidents.

Auto insurance companies anticipate these changes and consider them when reviewing an application for auto insurance for seniors. The frequency of minor accidents and the increased possibility of death in a fatal car accident are taken into account when dealing with a senior driver. Because if they will be spending more when these people are accommodated, it is just reasonable that they give a higher premium to save their assets. With the current economy, the cost of a minor accident claim is significant, how much more for death.

There are ways though that one can have discounts on auto insurance for seniors. They can install safety devices and enroll themselves in driving courses that are necessary to improve their driving at their age as well as maintain good health and keep their senses in good condition. Some auto insurance companies though do not want to take the risk and one might find a company who is not willing to cover a person over the age of 80. However, one can still find companies that specialize in auto insurance for seniors; one just needs to know where to find them.