Auto insurance laws further enforced in Oklahoma


The requirement for the “compulsory liability insurance” is listed on page 3-1 of the Oklahoma Driver’s Manual. It clearly indicates that every motorist on the road should have a valid driver’s license as well as auto insurance policy to drive cars along the highways and roads of this state. The laws governing auto insurance liability is being enforced strictly by the state government in Oklahoma.

As per the specification in the Driver’s Manual, every vehicle owner and driver in this state is supposed to carry at least the minimum liability insurance as specified by the state auto insurance laws. The minimums listed are $25,000 in case of death or injury to one passenger, $50,000 in case of death or injury to multiple people and $25,000 to cover property damage. As per the specifications of the manual, when any driver in the state is either stopped by the traffic police or meets with the collision, they have to produce their proof of valid liability insurance to the law enforcement personnel at the scene.

In accordance with the liability auto insurance laws being enforced in this state, any driver risks getting their license suspended by the Department of Public Safety if their vehicle in involved in any collision that results in property damage or injury in excess of $300. The Department of Public Safety will be notified by the court in case drivers who have been issued traffic tickets are not able to provide satisfactory proof of auto insurance liability.

The state government of Oklahoma has asked all the drivers and vehicle owners in the state to carry the proof of valid auto insurance liability at all times since they will have to produce these documents to the officials from the Department of Public Safety or other law enforcement officers during routine car inspections. In case of accidents, these documents have to also be shown to the other driver in addition to the law enforcement officers. According to the current auto insurance liability laws in the state of Oklahoma, drivers or vehicle owners caught driving without valid documents for liability insurance will have to cough up a fine of nearly $250 and/or spend a month behind bars, in addition to getting their driving license suspended.