Deer collisions impacting auto insurance policies


Each year, in the United States alone, there are over two hundred deaths and thousands of injuries caused due to the collision between vehicles and deer. The Insurance Information Institute also estimates that there are over $3.6 billion that are reimbursed by auto insurance companies to cover the claims filed due to these accidents. On an average, the cost to repair the damage caused due to these collisions is around $3000. Though the highway reports reveal that around 300,000 deer crashes take place each year, the number given to Congress by the Federal Highway Administration is close to 2 million which is closer to reality.

Mitch Wilson, the spokesperson for Ohio Insurance Institute says that most of the deer collisions take place between the months of October and January which is the period for deer migration and mating. During these months, the deer are active from five to eight in the morning and from five in the evening to midnight, which are also the time periods for increased vehicular traffic on roads. There are many unfortunate motorists who will testify that it is not necessary to collide with deer to sustain injury and damages. There are times when they animals jump onto your car or hit you, thus causing a lot of damage.

Drivers who are involved in collisions with the moose, elk or deer find the reaction of their auto insurance providers towards their claims surprising. As per logical reasoning, these kind of damages have to be covered under the collision coverage. However, according to many auto insurance providers, these collisions fall under comprehensive coverage and is covered under the category of “acts of God” which list entities such as floods, fires, hail and storm.

Dick Luedke, the spokesperson for State Farm, says that the likelihood of colliding with a deer as calculated by the underwriters in this company based on the claims processed suggests that it helps to have comprehensive coverage instead of just collision coverage. The deductibles are the other aspects that cause raised eyebrows while paying for the claims since most policy holders begin to ponder if they increased their deductibles for comprehensive coverage or collision coverage.