Auto Insurance Companies Hold Seminars on Driver Safety


Auto insurance companies as of late have steadily increased their premium rates and consumers are complaining.  Recent premium hikes have not gone unnoticed and people are crying foul, citing the move to be insensitive and callous to policyholders’ plight.  Economic conditions have for the longest time remained stagnant, yet bills keep on increasing, like auto insurance payments.

Auto Insurance Companies Hold Seminars on Driver SafetyInsurers on their part blame the less than resilient economy for recent rate hikes.  They say that it is necessary for them to adjust premiums to stay afloat. With less people getting insurance coverage, companies have to be creative and innovative in searching for alternative revenue streams.

Another reason they cited is an increase in the number of car accidents, resulting to more claim reimbursements, which is an added operational cost.  This has a significant impact on their bottom line and further erodes their already precarious financial standing.  In response, some car insurance companies have taken initiative to launch information campaigns regarding driver safety and how to prevent vehicular accidents.  Policyholders are invited to attend the workshops to educate themselves on correct and incorrect driving habits.

The foremost topic being tackled during auto insurance seminars are driver distractions.  Resource speakers list out principal reasons to why people’s attention wander when they are driving.  It is a given that technology has opened up a lot of possibilities to people.  For example, car radios provide entertainment and news to keep people updated. Cell phones too have made lives easier and better for a lot of individuals as they can keep in touch with colleagues and associates all the time, even while on the road.  However, there are obviously inherent harmful effects of technological devices.

When people change radio stations or switch to another radio function, they would have to bend their heads or momentarily take their eyes off the road. The same is true with cell phones when they have to read texts, send messages, dial numbers, and make calls.  The few seconds that a driver’s attention is distracted is crucial and can lead to disastrous consequences, since driving demands full attention of a person behind the wheel.

Another cause of driver distraction according to researchers is fatigue and drowsiness. Motorists are strongly advised against driving when tired or fatigued.  Some people are defiant and persist on driving even if they are not physically up to it, not fully aware that they are exposing themselves and their passengers to heightened risks of vehicular mishaps.

Most auto insurance companies welcome requests for seminars on driver safety from policyholders and are more than willing to accommodate such types of favours.