Car Insurance – A Must-Have and Must-Know for Teenagers


What are the things to consider when you are a teenagers and you would like to get car insurance? 

Often adult drivers perceive teenagers as reckless, carefree and absolutely terrible when it comes to matters behind the wheel. A bunch of teenagers plus millions of raging hormones and an overdose of alcohol, topped off with speedy cars equals to disaster. Having this said, auto insurance is a must-have and a must-know for all teenagers. But before acquiring car insurance like everyone else, what are the important things that a parent and a teenager must remember in availing car insurance? And does it have any other specifics? 

Articles all over the internet give various pieces of advice regarding car insurance for teenagers. Here are among selected tips that could also serve as guidelines for both teenagers and parents: 

  • Teenagers will have to pay higher car insurance rates compared to their parents and any other adult. But before wallets run out of cash, more affordable car insurance quotes can be viewed online. There are also tips offered in car insurance sites on how the cost can be lowered. Also, a teenager’s insurance can be included in his/her parent’s policy, which will have no additional charge until the acquisition of the teenager’s driver’s license.
  • Interestingly, grades can play a role in car insurance! If the teenager maintains at least a grade of B average, he/she may avail of the 25% discount. In addition to that, a 10% discount can be availed when the teenager decides to take a formal driving course.
  • The world is a dangerous place for teenagers… and for flashy cars. An ordinary sedan can be good enough, especially for a beginner. Because if a car theft or vandalism has occurred, the insurance company can charge higher or lower depending on the value of the car.
  • Second-hand vehicles may contribute in cutting cost; however, not all of them can guarantee one’s safety. So in selecting a car, at least go for ones that have airbags and automatic seat belts because they will likely get a lower car insurance rate. Moreover, a parent would be able to pay less for overall, which includes medical insurance, because minor injuries only are inflicted.
  • A 15-25% discount is given by almost every car insurance company for drivers who pay their insurance policies in a smaller and more guaranteed payment.

 Everyone who has a car must have a car insurance, whether as a responsible adult or as a reckless teenager. A talk between parents and teenagers must take place in order to have understanding of certain policies for one’s own safety and relief.