What to do in case of a car crash?


There is no way you can plan when and where you meet an accident. It can happen instantly without you being able to call someone first for some tips on what to do. The only rule on the road is “be prepared” – always.

You are prepared if you carry two things with you. First you must have your auto insurance coverage. You should never drive without auto insurance coverage to protect you in case of any untoward event also to protect you from being caught by authorities since driving without insurance is illegal in almost all states. Once caught, you will face hefty of fines or sometime in jail or license confiscation. Having auto insurance coverage is for your own good by the way.

The second thing you need to have is some ample knowledge about the things you have to keep in mind when you are suddenly caught in a car crash scene.

If a collision involved you and your car first thing that you must do is to check the damages or bodily injuries you and your car had. If another party is involved you should also take sometime checking on the damages and injuries he/she had. Now you should carefully assess if you need to file a claim or not. If the damages are too minor and you think you can pay for it out of your own pocket you may opt not to file claims however if the accident is huge call your provider.

Next you and the other party should exchange information like name, address, registration and license number. Also getting some information like name and address of people who witnessed the incident will help. A police report will also strengthen you claim application thus informing the police about the incident is another thing you should do.

Following this you must call your provider and state the exact way on how things occurred. Be sure to give consistent statement and story to your insurance provider for this can make your claim filing more trustworthy. Also expect to get a call from the insurance provider of the other party and make sure that you tell the same story you previously reported to your provider.

Lastly you have to understand that your insurance provider will need some time to assess, investigate and verify what you filed thus you will need to wait.

These are just some of the basic things that you have to remember so you can be prepared, always.