How to negotiate auto insurance claim?


Negotiating with an auto claims adjuster is hard-hitting. If you are unsuspecting, you stand a huge risk of trailing several thousands of dollars in your auto insurance claim. In order to obtain a good portion of money from the settlements, you must be well aware of the commonly used negotiating tactics with an adjuster.

Your first step towards the process is inquiring about the auto claims adjuster who will evaluate your settlement deal. The method that the adjuster will follow includes:

  • Collection and reviewing of the facts regarding your auto accident
  • Checking if you hold an active auto insurance policy
  • Investigating who was the prime accuse of the accident
  • Negotiating with your final settlement
  • Writing a check for your settlement

Since, swift and cheap claim adjustment is the main motive of the car insurance adjuster. Therefore, while negotiating you must concentrate on two critical points:

  • Never be in a hurry to complete your auto insurance settlement
  • Never accept the very first offer made on your car accident settlement

Just because the auto insurance adjuster is coaxing you to resolve your claim quickly, in no way it indicates that you should simply rush into things. Remember the longer it takes for the adjuster to settle the claim, the insurance company’s stake at losing more money increases.

Although you may desire a speedy accident settlement, yet it may not help you at all. Obtaining accurate car repair estimates and other types of damages is essential, if you do not wish to pay the extra amount from your pocket. Settling the claim faster will only benefit the insurer and not the insured, hence take time to analyze your insurance claim by consulting with your doctor, obtaining multiple estimates on car repair, and completely recovering before singing the final amount of your insurance settlement.

As per the job demand of the auto claims adjuster, saving money for the insurance company is their primary objective. Subsequently, offering the insured lowest settlement proposal is a regular practice.

Offering the lowest settlement will enable the auto claims adjuster to judge the desperation of your situation. If you jump the gun at the very first moment, you lose the chance of negotiating a higher settlement amount. The adjuster is provided with a settlement range to work with, and thus the adjuster has always more money to negotiate with. Therefore, you must prolong the negotiation process to obtain the best possible deal.