Why is Car Insurance essential in a Car Emergency Kit?


Whenever a motorist plans to go on a trip that involves going across isolated routes, or roads where the nearest town could be a hundred miles or longer, it is always a good precaution to prepare an emergency kit for the trip. Emergency kits can be lifesavers, either helping the motorist repair their car in case of breakdown. It could help them survive a long night outside, especially in worse cases, such as being stranded in the middle of a storm. In these kits, car insurance can also play a big role in ensuring the motorist’s protection and survival on the road.

Having car insurance does not just constitute the freedom to travel in states that require owned vehicles to have insurance. In fact, car insurance is essential in any car emergency kit not just because it is convenient for the driver at times when they meet unfortunate accidents on the road. It also serves as an invaluable tool that contributes to the survival of the motorist by getting them out in dangerous situations such as being stranded in an isolated road due to vehicle breakdown during winter, in the midst of adverse weather conditions, or night-time.

For these cases there are certain insurance policies that are most helpful to the motorist:

  • Comprehensive coverage – Useful for motorists fearing for vehicle accidents in the midst of environmental difficulties such as bad weather conditions. Unlike policies like Third Party Fire and Theft that only cover damage to other motorists, this covers damage for both your vehicle and the vehicle that was also hit in a collision accident. This insurance provides funds that would be helpful in averting the payment of heavier garage bills for repairs later on, thereby saving the motorist from being burdened with a heavy financial risk.
  • Breakdown coverage – Useful during times when motorists are in need of a quick fix beside the road but lack the skills to do so. With this coverage, motorists are guaranteed that they will be able to reach their travel destinations swiftly and safely after repairs. If not, the motorist can choose from other options, such as being delivered straight to their destination.

Other options also include being given funds for accommodation in a nearby place until the vehicle is repaired, or they can opt to use another vehicle that can be borrowed from the firm for 48 hours until the vehicle is repaired.