What should you avoid in order to get low cost insurance policies in the future?


Getting a low cost car insurance policy can be a challenging task if you are not aware of the factors that can help you get one. Most of the people are under the assumption that they can find a low cost coverage if they shop around extensively. While this is definitely true to a certain extent, you need to know that it is your driving record that plays a major role in bringing the cost down even further. It is imperative to have a clean driving record in order to get the best deals from auto insurance companies. Here are some risks that you should keep at bay if you want to save money on your premiums year after year.

Violating traffic rules

Traffic rules have been chalked out for a reason. Abiding by these rules will not only benefit you, but also the others on the road. Do you talk on your phone while driving? Do you text with one hand while the other is maneuvering the steering wheel? Do you care two hoots about the traffic signals? If you like to take these undue risks, putting your life and the lives of others in danger, then, you can bid goodbye to the dream of finding low cost auto insurance policies. You can only save on your premiums when you vow to abide by the rules and stay safe from danger.

Over speeding

One of the main causes of accidents today is over-speeding. While mostly teens drive at very high speeds, there are other seasoned drivers too who throw caution to the wind. The chances of you being involved in an accident increases multifold if you accelerate even a little above the prescribed speed limit. Auto insurance companies consider speeding drivers a liability and hence offer higher premiums. In fact, there are a number of auto insurance companies that are coming up with devices that will be fitted in the customers’ cars and regularly monitored before calculating the premium. If the reading on the device shows that you constantly over-speed, there is no possibility of getting low cost insurance.

Driving long distances

If you drive over long distances regularly, then the chances of getting low cost car insurance are halved. Drivers who drive more have an increased risk of meeting with an accident. This is not just based on assumptions, but statistical data. However, if you choose to opt for public transport over your car for your regular commutes, then you can still keep the idea of low cost car insurance open.