More Insurance Companies Now Offering Discounts for Students Availing of Car Insurance


06Student drivers are among those who have the highest premiums when applying for car insurance. They base this decision on statistical evidence that show that teenage drivers are the ones who are involved with traffic accidents as compared with their adult counterparts. Getting auto insurance for teens can be a drain in the budget. Fortunately, more and more insurers are offering cheaper quotes for students who prove themselves to a “good”.

Insurers have long offered discounts for students who prove themselves to be responsible. They do recognize that not all teens are reckless and involve themselves in dangerous acts while behind the wheel. The only requirement that they ask is that the students prove this and they will be given cheaper auto insurance quotes. This is those to screen teen drivers and determine which of them are considered good risks.

Some companies require students to attain at least a B or its equivalent in their report cards before they would be considered for the discount. Some companies on the other hand require students to get higher grades or show other proof that they are responsible for example a certificate from a course for safe driving. For insurance companies, it is necessary that the student show signs that they practice a sense of responsibility and discipline that will prevent or at least limit instances in which they will be involved in accidents.

Students who can avail of these discounts will find that not all insurance companies are offering the same. It all depends on the insurance companies and their assessment of the students. After the assessment of the students they will be given offers with the discount they can give the student. The more the student show proof of responsibility and discipline, the higher the discount could be.

Discounts for teen student premiums can range from 5-15 percent. These discounts can become especially valuable as the insurance premiums also increase.  Students who are added to their parents’ insurance policy will find a 400-800 increase in premiums which mean that they would be able to save 40-80 dollars. Individuals who plan to avail of these discounts should also realize that the more that they will need to spend; the more they will be able to save.

Having good grades really pays not only for long term but also for short term goals. Students who are able to avail of these discounts could help their families or at save more, depending on the deals that they have with their parents. They do not have to pay the whole price of the insurance premium and sometimes, insurance companies also offer scholarships to students affiliated to them. However, students who have availed of these discounts must satisfy certain conditions.

Students must not be confident once they have availed of the discounts that the insurance companies have offered. It is not a one-time deal. They need to maintain their grades in order to continue to avail of the discounts since they may lose it in case their grades get lower. All students who avail of this discount must maintain their grades or else they lose their advantages.