Information that can get you accurate auto insurance rates


shutterstock_64410241In order to get the best auto insurance rates you could take advantage of the innumerable websites which allow you to obtain quotes and make comparisons as well.  You can compare and see which company will give you the best auto insurance rates which are worth every dollar you pay.

However, if you want an accurate report the information you furnish must also be accurate.  Be truthful while filling out forms.  There are many motorists who find out that their policies were revoked due to some inaccurate details that were furnished at the time of applying.  It is better to be truthful and avoid disappointments later.  Don’t lie or guess while giving answers.

  • If you have got a ticket in the past or had a motor vehicle collision be truthful and don’t try to evade the topic or lie about anything.  Even if you obtain an online quote by giving misleading information, that might be far from the truth.  Once the insurance underwriter checks on the license and the past history you will, in any case face the consequences and the policy could be revoked without as much as a warning.  So be truthful – always.
  • The insurance coverage will depend on the make and model of the vehicle.  You could sometimes go wrong in giving the information, especially when you are in a hurry to get a quote.   Have all the details on hand before you submit the application.  Give the correct model and make of the vehicle and double check if you are unsure.  The convertibles, for instance, are far more expensive than the sedans.  Hence, if you give information that your vehicle is a sedan when it has a convertible roof, then you could end up paying more than what was quoted.
  • Decide the type of coverage you require and if you need full coverage, liability, or only minimum coverage.  If the vehicle has been purchased on finance then you will obviously need full coverage.  However, if your vehicle is not worth more than $1,000 then you can just do with liability coverage.  If you take more coverage, you will end up paying more premiums.
  • While obtaining the estimate check on the discounts that you might be able to avail.  Most often having the home and auto insurance with the same insurance provider will be able to get you some discounts.  Clean driving records, owning multiple cars etc., can get you discounts.