NASCAR Stars Advise Teenage Drivers to Keep Eyes, Head on the Road


Drivers from the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) to inform teenage motorists another road peril: DWD or driving while distracted. They encourage young drivers to put down their phones while driving so nothing gets in between them and the road. Road safety advocates believe that decreasing accident rates in the age group will trim down high auto insurance rates for teens.

TNASCAR Stars Advise Teenage Drivers to Keep Eyes, Head on the RoadA recent study conducted by an independent auto insurance firm revealed that majority of Americans favor cell phone ban while driving. 8 out of every 10 correspondents say they would support a legislation that would reinforce the ban while two thirds say they favor ban on texting while on the wheels. More than half believe that it would be safer if cell phone use would be banned altogether.

Specialists say cell phones divert motorists’ attention off the road, which places them in a very risky situation. They further explained that driving while distracted has very serious risks associated with it, noting a second of being distracted could easily lead to an accident. NASCAR drivers are well aware of this, that is why they join campaigns on minimizing road risks associated with cell phones.

NASCAR Nationwide Series star Trevor Bayne, drive for Diversity speedster Michael Cherry, and former race car star Kyle Petty all join in the campaign to raise awareness about DWD. They spoke in a seminar at Johnson C. Smith University to let students know how keeping their focus could save their and other people’s lives. The NASCAR drivers say it does not matter how fast or slow a person is driving. All it takes is one single distraction for an accident to occur. They likewise remind teens that among age groups, they are charged highest for auto insurance premiums. They explained that if young motorists continue to put up numbers on the road crash statistics, there is no way they are getting lower rates.

Specialists explained that risk level is very important in calculating premiums so they should be minimized if motorists want lesser premiums.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety records that 5,000 young drivers between 16 and 20 years of age die each year because of road crashes. An additional 400,000 teens are injured for the same reason. Experts explained that teens are in such high risks for road accidents since they only make up 10 percent of US population but account for 12 percent of its road crashes.

Industry experts say it takes a collective effort from teens all over United States to stop change the statistics.