Efforts to promote auto insurance more effective in 2010


Legislative actions in most states have proven to be not that effective when it comes to decreasing the number of uninsured motorists. It was only until the first two months of 2010 that movements to promote the public safety while on the road have been more precisely executed and real positive results started to be more evident.

Efforts to promote auto insurance more effective in 2010The efforts by the mentioned states led to positive results. A recent study made by Insurance Research Council showed that the percentage of uninsured drivers in the US went down from 14.9% to 13.5%. The Council takes into account the number of insurance claims filed and uses the ratio of the claims filed by civilians who were injured by insured motorists and the number of claims from individuals injured by uninsured drivers. According to experts, this ratio gets better and better each year, showing statistical results of the declining number of uninsured motorists. As most states enacted laws to implement and develop online car insurance verification systems to know the number of uninsured motorists, other states also started to enforce strict measures on requiring all drivers to carry auto liability policies before they can drive legally.

In Wisconsin, the recent budget appropriations that was passed included provisions that will fund the efforts of the State to make automobile liability policies mandatory to all motorists. A report from the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America said that Wisconsin also require proof of auto policies to be in the carried by a person whenever he is driving a motor vehicle. Meanwhile, California did its parts in promoting auto insurance by making low-cost policies available to drivers who receive minimal income. All low-income drivers need to do is to meet the income and driving record requirements and once deemed fit, they will enjoy affordable premium charges.

On the other hand, in Louisiana, the existing laws on auto insurance have raised the bar when it comes to minimum limit requirements. Effective January 1, 2010, minimum car policy limits went up from 10/20/10 to 15/30/25. The new limits require $15,000 coverage per person bodily injury or death, maximum of $30,000 per accident, and $25,000 for damages made to property.

According to consumer advocacy groups, more laws in changes took place during the beginning of the year that strictly implements the requirements on auto insurance. Some of the recent developments include the firm observance of compulsory liability insurance in the 49 states in the US and the District of Columbia. Only New Hampshire does not have law that makes auto insurance liability compulsory.