What factors influence the price of premiums offered by insurance companies?


The chief issue on how car-insurance rates are set are the expenses involved in paying to settle accidents. Other operating costs have to do with marketing (advertising, salaries of brokers and agents, expenses, and commissions) and overhead expenses (staff and management salary and office expenditures). Companies make up for part of the operating expenses by earnings on investments on the premiums collected from the customers that have not been spent yet.

Car insurance trends may stay on a cycle that could go on for several years. Usually, a few good underwriting years will have some bad years following it, and go back to a couple of good years. If earnings are adequate, this could balance out underwriting losses. Companies would want surpluses outside of expenses and underwriting to see profits from investments. A state could force insurance firms to hold a minimum in cash reserves – effecting rates of premiums.

Insurance companies come up with a customers’ portfolio, trying to choose individuals that statistics show to be good risks. Classification factors will be utilized to categorize customers with good potential. The companies will then determine if you fit into the criteria. Should they take you in as an insured person, the company will make a decision on what your rates are. This will be based on your place among risk factors like age, gender, make of car, driving record, average mileage every year, and others.

If you have just bought a new vehicle equipped with the latest safety devices, you just may find your insurance rates decreasing. A financed car, on the other hand, will find you buying more insurance. Your policy price will be directly affected by how much insurance you bought. A new vehicle that you bought through bank financing will need to have a specific collision, comprehensive, and liability insurance. This naturally increases your premiums.