Illinois Auto Insurance Coverage


Choosing car insurance in Illinois can be a confusing proposition. There are many different components that go into an insurance policy and it is important to understand what each component covers. By learning about the different aspects of car insurance coverage, you can purchase only the coverage you need. This allows you to enjoy full protection on the road for the best possible price.

Protecting You

The first step in car insurance coverage is to protect you, the driver. This can be done through coverage known as personal injury protection or PIP. This coverage will pay for medical bills and lost wages due to accident injuries. While some states require this coverage, Illinois does not. Many drivers find they are sufficiently covered through their health insurance plans and disability policy and opt out of PIP coverage on their auto insurance plans.

Protecting Your Car

The next purpose of car insurance coverage is to protect your vehicle from theft or damage. This is generally done through comprehensive and collision coverage. Collision coverage is just what it says; protection for your car in the event of a collision. In some cases, you can tack on coverage that will pay for a rental car and towing services as well. Of course, additional coverage will cost more, so you will need to weigh needs vs. costs carefully when determining just how much coverage you might require. Most states, including Illinois do not require motorists to carry this type of coverage.

Protecting Others

Then there is liability coverage which protects individuals and property that might be injured or damage in an accident with your vehicle. This coverage is twofold and consists of bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Bodily injury liability covers individuals who are hurt by your vehicle by paying for medical bills and lost wages. If the party sues, your coverage may also cover legal costs and compensation for pain and suffering. Property damage liability covers both the vehicle and structures like fences and houses. Most states require a minimum of liability coverage and Illinois is no exception.

Uninsured Motorists

The state of Illinois also requires drivers to carry a minimum amount of uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage. This protects you in the event you are hit by a driver who does not have a current insurance policy. This coverage will compensate you for medical expenses and lost wages just like the other driver’s insurance policy would, and is only used when the other driver does not have proper insurance coverage.

Knowing your way around a car insurance policy will ensure you get the coverage you need without paying an arm and a leg to get it. With this information in hand, you will be better equipped to shop for the best rates on your next insurance policy.