Why are teens and college students considered as risky in driving?


It is belief grounding on statistical data. Scientifically, based on researches, young people of age below 25 are too much curious about everything. They are on the age of exploration even on risk-taking activities. The nature of being “thrill-seeking” individuals of teens and college students can also affect their behavior in driving. Numbers verified this for teenagers were found to be more likely involved in car accidents, moreover they are mostly the causes of these accidents.

These researches’ results are further explained by the biological make-up of individuals. The brain, in particular, could provide us specific reasons behind these statistical figures. Human brain is still developing during adolescent ages. This means that it is yet to “mature.” the pattern of brain development starts at the back to the front. Thus during teenage years most of the frontal parts of the brain is not yet fully developed and this includes the frontal cortex. Unfortunately, this part of the brain is heavily responsible for the reasoning and decision-making activities. Thus for a young one with the frontal cortex not yet fully matured, risk-taking behaviors can be commonly displayed.

This can somehow explain why teens and college students are more considered to be car accident prone people. It is not just a regularly-fed stereotype or a mistaken belief. It is an expectation set forth by various studies and researches.

Thus for a car insurance company, statistical records showing that a 17-year old is more likely to be involve in major car accidents five times than a 35-year old, would define who gets what in their business.