Why do you need auto insurance?


It is not only a good habit to have auto insurance; it is also the law in almost all developed nations and states. And there are huge penalties that you might have to pay if you are driving without auto insurance. And the fines are huge. You might have to pay a few hundred dollars and your license may also get revoked. And this offence will become a permanent black mark on your record. And if you are involved in an accident without auto insurance coverage, then you might also end up serving a jail sentence.

And it also makes sense to have auto insurance. You are covered against unnecessary and unforeseen expenses that you might incur as a result of an accident. And the loss of a car can be a serious blow to your financial situation. Its not easy to replace a car for a middle class working professional. It’s a huge investment and it is one of the few things that actually portray your individualism. You might have spent months or even years contemplating how to go about funding the cost of your car. And it can all be taken away from you in the matter of a few minutes.