Auto Insurance Questions Archive for 2011

  • How to claim and pay for insurance?

    First of all you need to understand what all the hassles about auto insurance are and why you need it.  The auto insurance is a cover for your vehicle. It is just like a medical insurance. When your car gets damaged in an accident it needs repairs. And those repairs can be costly. Depending on the damage and the car … (more) October 31, 2011

  • How and where can I buy auto insurance?

    You can buy the auto insurance from any of the listed insurance companies. You can do the research in the market through the internet. You can check into the company policies and you can also call them for details. You can also call an agent to visit your home and check the condition of you vehicle. Your car’s condition and … (more) October 25, 2011

  • How is auto collision insurance beneficial?

    A person who buys a new car is always excited and protective about the new arrival. People go to huge lights to protect their cars and make sure that it stays safe and secure in any circumstance. The government also understands this love of the people for their cars and hence there are laws passed by the government which make … (more) October 21, 2011

  • What are the key steps to filing successful auto insurance claims?

    Auto insurance providers are bringing out tougher rules and regulations to govern the filing of auto insurance claims and process them. The increasing number of fake claims is not just proving to be disastrous to the auto insurance providers, but also to customers since they have to cough up more for their premiums. The number of claims being rejected is … (more) October 19, 2011

  • What are the best ways to get auto insurance at low rates?

    If there is one thing that people want to save money on, it is definitely car insurance. With newer changes to auto insurance laws being brought into most states and the increase in the number of auto insurance frauds, the cost of availing the right coverage is spiraling northward. Though it is definitely tough to find the right auto insurance … (more) October 17, 2011

  • What are the key aspects of insurance coverage you need to know?

    Most people who take out auto insurance are unsure about its technical terms and legalities. They are even unsure of what it is supposed to do and how they benefit by it. They have a hard time in understanding the differences between many types of auto insurances and whether they should take out the different policies or not.  This confusion … (more) October 15, 2011

  • How to file insurance claims to ensure they are successful?

    Most people who buy auto insurance have some complaints about their auto insurance company. Some of them blame the auto insurance company of late payments, less payments and even negligence. The customers grudge that their claims have been rejected often and the auto insurance company charges more than the amount charged on their neighbors and friends. They are paying too … (more) October 13, 2011

  • Why should I understand the basics of auto insurance coverage?

    The customers are supposed to be king everywhere. But at times due to their misunderstanding of terms and conditions they are played by the auto insurance companies. They take advantage of heavy legal terms and thus entangle the customers in a web of lies and deceit. For a customer knowledge is power and they need to understand the terms clearly … (more) October 11, 2011

  • What should college students know about auto insurance coverage?

    A few years ago, only very few college students had heard about auto insurance. Most of them were happily sipping their beers and driving their cars recklessly. But now due to efforts of the auto insurance companies and of their parents they finally are subscribing to the auto insurance. The auto insurance is insurance for your car or any kind … (more) October 9, 2011

  • How is teen auto insurance different from the coverage for adults?

    Most teenagers don’t understand what the auto insurance is and what its benefits are. They seldom take out the auto insurance and they don’t know the difference between the auto insurance and auto liability insurance which is forced by the law. Teenagers form a big share of total driver population. There are lots of teenagers driving around with their friends … (more) October 7, 2011

  • What are the different insurance coverages and how should I choose one?

    It is a fact that majority of the states across the US require their drivers to have a car insurance. Every year, the number of drivers in America is increasing and therefore, there is a great population of people who are yet to be informed about how car insurance works and how it is relevant for drivers out there. Types … (more) October 5, 2011

  • How do I minimize the car insurance premiums for teens and college students?

    Teenagers and cars sounds like a disaster. However, time will come when your children will ask you for a car. It is an important aspect for young teens to get that sense of freedom. Getting insurance for teenagers and college students is extremely expensive since most insurance companies consider individuals under 25 to be of a higher risk for vehicular … (more) October 3, 2011

  • What are the things to do before purchasing an auto insurance policy?

    If you are purchasing auto insurance for the first time, there are some simple steps that you should take. The auto insurance premium that you pay depends on a lot of factors that are commonly ignored. Two of them are your credit history and your grades at college. If you are a student, then you would benefit by maintaining high … (more) October 1, 2011

  • What are the steps you should take to pick a good auto insurance company and a good policy?

    You can pick a good auto insurance policy and a good auto insurance provider by being careful and a little bit more observant. Those who blindly pick an auto insurance company or policy end up paying hundreds of dollars extra in the form of auto insurance premiums. But, if you are slightly more careful and pick your policy with more … (more) September 30, 2011

  • What are the steps involved in purchasing auto insurance for the first time?

    If you are purchasing auto insurance for the first time, there are some things that you need to know. Your auto insurance rates will be higher in the beginning largely because you represent an unknown entity for the auto insurance provider. With due time, you can bring down the insurance rates by maintaining a clean driving record, a good credit … (more) September 28, 2011

  • What are the factors that can lead to high auto insurance premium?

    There are several factors that can increase the rate of your auto insurance premium to a great extent. While some factors are out of your control, there are quite a few factors which you can control to a reasonable extent. For example, the auto insurance premium can be high in those states where the rate of accidents is very high … (more) September 26, 2011

  • How can senior citizens get cheap auto insurance?

    The auto insurance rates can go up or down depending upon the risk that you represent for the auto insurance company. In other words, if you are more vulnerable to accidents and hence more likely to make auto insurance claims, then your auto insurance premium goes higher up. On the other hand, if you are a safe driver, then your … (more) September 24, 2011

  • How to avoid auto insurance claim disputes – learn how you’re insurance works?

    Accidents on the road involving cars are inevitable. Since auto accidents entail sizeable damages to the vehicle and injuries to the victims, they attract legal repercussions. Settling an auto insurance claim with the insurer is an unavoidable residuum of being involved in a car accident. You must painstakingly deal with your insurance company and simultaneously with the other party’s insurer. … (more) September 22, 2011

  • How can you maximize your chances of obtaining auto insurance claims?

    Settling optimum insurance claims for your auto accident is a strenuous task, since insurance companies are known to offer the lowest possible settlement figures to the insurers. If you are caught in the net of ignorance you sure are bound to pay extra from your own pocket. Is that fair, when you are paying your insurance premiums regularly? We bring … (more) September 20, 2011

  • How to negotiate auto insurance claim?

    Negotiating with an auto claims adjuster is hard-hitting. If you are unsuspecting, you stand a huge risk of trailing several thousands of dollars in your auto insurance claim. In order to obtain a good portion of money from the settlements, you must be well aware of the commonly used negotiating tactics with an adjuster. Your first step towards the process … (more) September 18, 2011