Progressive offers revolutionary 30% car insurance discount for Virginia’s residents


10Progressive general manager of usage-based insurance Richard Hutchinson recently said that more than 100,000 car owners across the US benefit from personalized auto insurance rates. He added that these drivers reveal to their insurance providers the “real picture” of how much, and when they drive their cars.

Hutchinson added that with Progressive’s 30 percent discount on auto insurance rates, drivers nationwide will surely gain greater opportunities to save regularly. He said that through the Snapshot auto insurance program, drivers will have the chance to be rewarded for responsible and safe driving.

Hutchinson said that the Snapshot discount is indeed “revolutionary” and further described how it works. It applies a discount of up to a monthly maximum of 30 percent to a driver’s insurance policy. He said that with Progressive’s discount, responsible drivers will now be able to have an incentive to maintain good driving practices.

The Progressive Snapshot program works by first considering requests from insured car drivers. Upon approval of the requests, Progressive sends a device smaller than any driver’s palm size. The device functions when plugged into a car’s on-board port (OBD). It monitors or tracks driving data and transmits the collected data to the Progressive Company. The results can be simultaneously viewed on the company’s website.

There are certain standards or requirements to be met by the driver before he or she becomes eligible for discount, Hutchinson said. The results of the transmitted driving data are available after 30 days from the first day the device was used. To be entitled to the maximum 30 percent insurance policy discount, Hutchinson said that the driver must have data, which is far beyond Progressive’s threshold for high-risk drivers.

Hutchinson then encouraged insured car owners under Progressive to drive less, drive in ways that are safe, and drive during less risky times of the day. He added that the 30 percent maximum discount is not just limited to the driver’s policy. The discount may also extend to the renewal of a driver’s insurance policy. The renewal discount shall be considered after the completion of the six-month insurance policy term. After six months, Hutchinson clarified that the device should be given back to the insurer. Requests for the device by second-time users will be approved upon the fulfillment of accompanying requirements, terms and conditions.

Finally, Hutchinson said that drivers will also be periodically monitored by Progressive in order to make sure that they are consistently practicing safe and responsible driving.