The five claims that make insurers happy


The five claims that make insurers happyInsurance companies are there to make money and they know how to do it. They can judge people as they have spent a lot of time honing their skills. Since they have so much exposure, they can easily predict whether you will be involved in crashes, fall ill, set your house on fire, or have a short life span. Their knowledge is gathered over a period of time and is based on the claims that are filed regularly.

So, insurance companies don’t necessarily frown upon each and every claim you make and in fact, some of these claims make them happy. There are five claims that actually make them happy and it includes:

–          Any claim where they don’t have to pay you any money. If you have crashed into a brick wall and have damages worth $900 and if the deductible on your collision insurance is $1,000, then your insurance company owes you nothing.

–          Any claim where the government will have to shell out money.Flood insurance for instance, is something where the government will have to pay. So, the money will come to you from the National Flood Insurance Program, which is already on the verge of a breakdown.

–          Any claim that somebody else will have to pay other than their company. If you have damaged a rental car and if the rental was charged using your credit card, then your card company might have automatic coverage. If you already purchased insurance for the rental car then that coverage will come in first and your own collision cover will come in the excess coverage.

–          Any claim on some other person’s policy.All states require their drivers to carry liability cover for causing damage to the others. So, by claiming on the other person’s policy you can avoid the collision deductible.

–          Any claim that will ultimately save them lots of money.Sometimes, a claim may prevent bigger claims in the future. For example, a thorough checkup at the doctor’s clinic that helped in early diagnosis of a disease condition that could have potentially turned into something severe.

Although the whole purpose of purchasing insurance is not to make the company happy, it is better to remember to keep your insurance record as clean as possible. If you don’t end up making unnecessary claims, it could help in keeping the rates down in the future as well.