DOT – Better implementation of laws results in lowering distracted driving incidents


DOT - Better implementation of laws results in lowering distracted driving incidentsIn an effort to restrain unfocused driving, a number of communities across the country have increased the presence of law enforcement personnel on the road.

As per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in Hartford, Connecticut and Syracuse, New York, fewer instances were reported by police officers reported for sidetracked driving after powering up their awareness program for distracted driving.

In Syracuse, cell phone usage while driving was dropped by a 1/3rd, in presence of higher numbers of police patrolling the roads. In Connecticut, the numbers declined by 57% when police enforced heightened driver distraction program.

According to NHTSA, Hartford and Syracuse police departments issued over 19,200 traffic records for abstracted driving last year.

Ray LaHood secretary for the Department of Transportation said:

“These citations indicate that stringent laws, pooled with highly perceptible police department, significantly reduced the perilous cell phone usage and texting while driving.  Derived from these results, the fact has emerged that people who seek minimize this hazardous deeds are making serious judgmental errors.”

Motorists can pay hefty fines if caught for preoccupied driving. Any cheap insurance premiums they may be paying can hike with a single ticket.

Often if are in the backseat and incur losses and physical injuries during an accident, there is no way that we can cover our medical expenses, except if we are insured for non-owners auto insurance. With stringent enforcements and costs soaring to greater heights every day, non-owners auto insurance can assure us assistance in face of any mishap.

It is a unique plan that provides coverage when driving a car not owned by you. The law mandates possession of an auto insurance policy while driving a vehicle. The non-owner’s auto insurance is just appropriate when driving a rented car. Further, it offers liability coverage, i.e. the damage to vehicle is covered by non-owner’s auto insurance plan. Hence, it protects you from muddling up into a lawsuit.

Even though the owner of the car receives the auto insurance for fixing the car, yet you will endure the most in terms of legal actions and proceedings, since the vehicle involved in the accident does not belong to you.

While this policy is useful for occasional drivers, car owners do not benefit from this policy.

Finding non-owners insurance policies is not hard, as several insurance companies are offering them, today. They are affordable and available in different slabs to fit all pocket sizes. Discuss with your insurance agent to gain a detailed insight on the same.