Mississippi – Tips for Saving on Car Insurance


Insurance costs a lot nowadays. Many states have made auto insurance mandatory to ensure with the financial responsibility laws. These laws state that every driver must have enough finances to pay for all the damages in case he is involved in an accident. The state of Mississippi also follows the tort system that states that in every accident one of the drivers involved has to be found responsible and this person will then have to pay for all the damages caused during the accident. With these two laws, every person in the state of Mississippi has to carry auto insurance.

The state of Mississippi has fixed a minimum liability that everyone must be insured for. The minimum liability is of the form 25/50/25. This stands for twenty five thousand dollars per person for bodily injury, fifty thousand dollars for bodily injury in total and property damage coverage for twenty five thousand dollars. While bodily injury will cover all the medical costs the other driver might incur, property damage will cover all the damages caused to his car including repair and replacements. Property damage will also cover damages caused to buildings, lamp posts and fences.

These are considerably large sums of money. However, to be truly protected one needs to buy insurance for much larger sums. This article focuses on a few tips that will help you save money when you got buy insurance.

The first tip is the most basic. Visit a lot of vendors and get quotes from each. This way you can compare each of the vendors and ensure that you get the best of the rates. You will also want to choose insurance policies that you really need. Go through your finances with care and decide which policy you might really need. Compare vendors and choose the vendor who offers the best rates for your services. You can also save a lot of money by buying insurances together. Health and auto insurance or life and auto insurance together are bound to help you save a lot of money.

Most of the houses in America have more than one car. Getting insurance policies for each of these cars together would help you get a multi vehicle discount. If you have a student in your house, encourage him to study well as you can get a good student discount if his grades are high. Raising the deductibles on physical damage policy will help you save a lot of money as the premiums will go down drastically as the deductibles are increased. It might mean paying more when the policy needs to be used but the amount one would save will make it worth it. Try and maintain a clean driving record.

Good drivers get a lot of discounts and the insurance rates are very low. Do no claim insurance for every small scratch. If the number if claims increase, the rate will increase too. Any small damage is best paid out of your own pocket. A good credit score will also go a long way in getting a low and affordable insurance policy.