Understanding Risks in Using Low Cost Insurance Coverage


You may have been told that in order to find a low-cost car insurance coverage, you need to do some serious comparison-shopping to find which company is offering the best coverage at a reasonable price. However, in reality, this type of policy is more than just the shopping itself. In fact, insurance companies are known to put a lot of weight on your driving history above anything else.

Some statistical and predetermined factors include your age, residence, and gender. Yes, they are going to affect your rates, but it’s good to know that you can do something to reduce it, by buying insurance online as well as maintaining a speckless driving record.

Having said that, knowing the tips below can help you lock in to a desirable low cost insurance policy.

First, learn to avoid over speeding. Ticketed for overspeeding is an absolute eyesore and raises some red flags among insurance providers. If you do not want to be hammered with the skyrocketing fees, always make sure that you drive within the limits. Of course, you could always argue these tickets in court, but as always, insurers will always look at them with dismay. Even if you just drive a little more than the acceptable speed limit, this could already increase your chances of getting into an accident. Naturally, the faster you go, the higher the chances of fatal accidents.

If you keep raising your risk level, insurance companies expect you to file insurance claims one after the other. And since they are there to make money out of you, the only way to hedge potential losses is to raise your premium rates. It is actually that simple. If you cannot keep your mind to drive below the speeding limit, it is better you install some devices that will keep your cruise within the acceptable range.

Second, do not break any laws. Each state has its own set of road laws that you need to live with. For instance, you may not be allowed to carry a number of passengers if you happen to live in the state that imposes the graduated driving structure. Or, you might be living in a state were texting and reading text messages is against the law. If you are not familiar with your state laws, better off contact your current insurer or be sorry. If you are caught and ticketed to violate the said laws, it could be the reason why your monthly premium rates are continuing to increase. If you need to answer an important call or send an important text message, pull over to a safe place and do it.

Avoid the Flashy and Expensive Car Models

Before you buy a sports car or perhaps, modify your existing one, it is best to think how much it influences on your current premium rates. In reality, there is nothing wrong to reward yourself with such possessions – you deserve it. Unfortunately, if you own that particular car model that has been the usual target of car thieves, you are only asking your insurer to increase your premiums. Having said that, if you want to lower insurance costs, choose a car with an extremely low chance of being stolen; and if you cannot stop yourself from making any modifications, be sure to install safety devices as well as antitheft gadgets to protect it from the perpetrators.

Watch Out For Your Mileage

The last one that you need to know is to reduce your car’s mileage. If you drive less, there is a little chance of accidents. If part of your job is to travel a lot, you might just have to deal with your higher rates or you can use the public transportation occasionally to control your mileage consumption from ballooning.