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Why You Should Get Student Car Insurance


Students get the thrill of having a new car. Who wouldn’t? However, it is important to remember that being young is not an excuse for being reckless. Driving is not just a privilege, but a responsibility. Part of that responsibility is to get a student car insurance for the protection of both student and car. Even though there are a lot of policies out there, as parents, you may find it difficult to sort through quotes. Car insurance premiums are higher for students, especially teenagers because of the risk they represent. Based on a conducted study, those under 25 years old are more likely to figure in a car accident. Nevertheless, there are ways to cut on costs and get more benefits. To make the most out of this coverage, here are some tips:

Get a cheaper car. If you have not purchased a car yet for your child, consider getting a cheaper one. A cost effective car would not be too risky and would be easier to cover as far as indemnity is concerned. Insurance companies are more willing to provide protection to cars that are not luxurious since they would cost less to indemnify when risk occurs. A cheaper vehicle is equivalent to cheaper premiums for student car insurance.

Get quotes from your family insurance representative. This is a better option if you have multiple cars within your family. Providers offer discounts for those having more than one car in the family. If you have a separate car from your child, this means you already have coverage and adding a student car insurance coverage for your child will keep your insurance premiums low.

Ask an insurance representative for discount options. Several factors can affect cost of premiums. Variables like model, year of the car, your child’s garage location, your child’s driving maturity, and school grades can directly affect costs of student car insurance. If your child will house the car in another garage, this will either increase or decrease premiums and it is advisable that this matter be disclosed to an agent as soon as possible. Failure to do so might prevent you from claiming insurance benefits in the future. Enroll your child in safety-driving lessons.

Presenting proof of completion from this class will reduce premiums since this will show the company that your child is responsible. School grades will also affect premiums. Insurance companies equate school grades to a child’s maturity. If your child has good grades, it will show the company that your child is responsible and manifests faithful stewardship of his or her own car. Ask about these variables and see how you can maximize these to get better discounts on premium payments.