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Understanding Your Motor Vehicle Insurance Law


Motor vehicle insurance law can differ from one state to another. This is the reason why car owners must carefully study the rules imposed in their states of residence because otherwise, they may be penalized for violations they were not aware of.

A basic rule applied by most states, however, is that car owners must purchase a third-party liability policy. This covers expenses for repairing properties of other people or medical treatments that may be needed because of possible accidents involving an insured automobile.

Most of the other rules, however, vary depending on the locality. One of the things a motor vehicle insurance law states is the statute of limitations, which indicates the period within which people involved in a car accident, should file claims with their insurers. In some states, the period is two years. In others, it is shorter or longer. Failure to file claims within the said periods forfeit one's right to make a claim.

Another provision in the motor vehicle insurance law that may vary from one state to another is the medical coverage. In some cases, insurers will readily shoulder the cost of medical treatments needed by individuals who meet a vehicular accident. In other cases, insurers may first determine whether a person involved in a car mishap has a medical surety policy or not. Medical expenses of people who do have a medical surety policy may not be covered by automobile insurers anymore.

To know more about motor vehicle insurance law in your own locality, you can ask for a copy from the concerned regulatory agency. If you can afford to spend in order to understand the law, you might as well hire a lawyer who can give you his consultancy services. This is especially helpful in times when you need it, like when you are already involved in a vehicular accident. However, knowing the law before any accidents happen is much wiser.

You can also inquire from top insurers in your state about the rules they require. These insurers should know the laws in their localities by heart. Take advantage of their desire to win customers over by asking all the questions you need to ask about rules in owning an automobile in any given state.

Owning an automobile entails responsibilities; one of which is knowing the law. It pays to know all the rules because this helps one avoid penalties that can be too costly for ignorant individuals.