Auto Insurance Articles Archive for 2010

  • Clear and concise steps to get the perfect auto insurance coverage

    by Jasper Ericks

    It is not uncommon to see people struggling to find the insurance policy that not only offers them the coverage they are looking for, but also fits their pocket. Despite this, most of them feel they have not chosen the right policy and compromise with the coverage for the entire term. If you do not want to find yourself in such a situation, it is imperative that you keep in mind a few simple logical steps that can help you … (more) December 7, 2010

  • Attributes that can get you best auto insurance rates

    by Jasper Ericks

    Buying a good auto insurance policy involves a lot of groundwork. You need to know the basics of auto insurance and the various attributes that are taken into consideration in order to generate the premium for the coverage. The benefit of having this knowledge is that you can vary key attributes to ensure you get the best auto insurance rates from the provider of your choice. If you are unaware about these traits, then now is the time to open … (more) December 7, 2010

  • Different ways in which you can opt for automobile insurance quotes

    by Jasper Ericks

    Automobile insurance is a necessity that cannot be overlooked by any person who drives a car. Irrespective of the age, gender and nationality, every person who drives a car in the United States should have a valid insurance policy that at least covers the minimum requirement as specified by the state laws in which the person drives. Finding the right type of auto insurance coverage that does not empty your pockets is an uphill task. Before you sign up for … (more) December 6, 2010

  • All you need to know about auto insurance for seniors

    by Jasper Ericks

    Auto insurance has become mandatory in many parts of the world today. While it means an extra cushion that you can rely on in case of emergencies, it also means added expenditure as premium. The working, young or middle aged population will have to bear a slight trouble due to this added expense; it is the senior citizens who find it really tough to pay for the premium. There are innumerable companies trying hard to attract you with the offers … (more) December 6, 2010

  • Is it worth opting for collision insurance?

    by Jasper Ericks

    When it comes to auto insurance, some people are willing to compromise great lengths to ensure they don’t have to spend much from their pocket. One of the types of coverage that most car owners underestimate is the collision insurance. Most people are under the assumption that since they are good drivers, there is no way there are going to be at fault in an accident and hence overlook the need for collision insurance. Well, here are some facts based … (more) December 5, 2010

  • Factors that impact auto owners insurance premium

    by Jasper Ericks

    It is a given the auto insurance is a necessity for every person who owns and drives a car regularly. Not having an auto insurance policy that covers the minimum legal requirements specified by the state will not only set you back by a few hundreds, but may also end sending you behind bars. There are people who are willing to take the risk of driving the car without the required coverage in order to save a little money. Rather … (more) December 5, 2010

  • Tips to get your insurance company to give you best auto insurance rates

    by Jasper Ericks

    Getting a good auto insurance coverage at rates that are easy on your pocket is a task that is easier said than done. While some good companies offer good coverage at high costs, there are other smaller companies that offer meager coverage at low costs. The challenge lies in getting a renowned auto insurance provider to offer you best auto insurance rates for the coverage you are looking for. Though it might prove to be a tough task, it is … (more) December 4, 2010

  • Lower the cost of auto insurance for seniors

    by Jasper Ericks

    Auto insurance is a mandatory requirement in all the states, irrespective of the age of the person. While auto insurance providers do consider older drivers to be safer as compared to the younger lot, the same does not apply to people over the age of 60. Insurance providers are of the view that as the person begins to age, his ability to drive safely decreases, considering the fact that most of them may have poor vision, lack of hearing and … (more) December 4, 2010