Auto Insurance Articles Archive for 2010

  • Shopping Car Insurance Online, Its Pros and Cons

    by Jasper Ericks

    With all the exaggerations put aside, we can now safely and confidently say that the internet opened up opportunities for almost everything to the limitless. The field of choosing car insurance, of course, is no exception. Only a few years ago, looking for the perfect car insurance policy would be like looking for a needle in the haystack. Policy shoppers need to exert a good deal of time and effort strolling around car insurance companies, comparing their offers and finally … (more) August 2, 2010

  • Read-end Collisions in Insurance Scams

    by Jasper Ericks

    Scams are all around. It doesn’t matter if you have the cheapest car insurance. Due to hardships in life brought about by the recession or just because they are used to doing crime in order to make money, many people engage in criminal acts. The problem now is that they victimize anyone within their reach and do anything they can get themselves into. They are constantly evolving and constantly thinking of ways to con people into giving them money and … (more) August 2, 2010

  • Crimes which are good to Know

    by Jasper Ericks

    Car Insurance companies are a constant target of criminals especially those who engage in fraudulent acts. This is because when they succeed with their scheme, they are able to scourge a lot of money often costing the insured person as well as the insuring company. It is therefore relevant to protect yourself against these forms of crimes in order not to compromise your car insurance and to save yourself the trouble of fixing the effects of such hideous crimes. The … (more) August 1, 2010

  • What You Need to Know About Deductibles

    by Jasper Ericks

    This article is very important for you to get tips on affordable insurance rates. Deductibles pertain to the amount of money which an insured car owner should pay when he gets involved in an accident. The payment of said deductibles is important for a person to maintain his premiums at a low rate. While a person can also maintain or decrease his premium rates by keeping an excellent driving record, looking for policies with low premium rates or making sure … (more) August 1, 2010

  • Keep Safe, Pay Less

    by Jasper Ericks

    Policy shoppers always seek to get the cheapest car insurance available in the market. The easiest way to do this is to make an effort to install safety features on your car before you shop for a policy. This is a win-win situation because the company will consider you as a low risk for having safety devices on your vehicle while you are also sure that you are truly extra safe with these devices. You can start with seatbelts, airbags … (more) July 31, 2010

  • How to Get an Affordable Car Insurance

    by Jasper Ericks

    There is a general feeling of safety in securing a policy from car insurance companies but having this feeling often comes with a price know as “premium rates.” People usually assume that the higher the premium rate they are paying, the better their coverage is. This is true to some measure. Companies who sell policies are getting highly competitive and this competitiveness lead companies to entice clients through price control and package comprehensiveness. Wise policy shoppers often review how … (more) July 31, 2010

  • Why Get Accident Forgiveness Clause?

    by Jasper Ericks

    Motorists are aware that the holiday season is the most hassling time to be on the road. The roads are always heavy on traffic, slippery and full of falling holiday decorations or billboards. It would be in the best interest of a motorist to get “accident forgiveness clause” included in their car insurance policy especially during the holidays. Accident forgiveness clause is an inclusion in certain automobile insurance policies. If this clause is included in your policy, the company you … (more) July 30, 2010

  • A Fact: Car Insurance is maximized during Holidays

    by Jasper Ericks

    The holiday seasons are the busiest time of the year. Shoppers, who rush for last-minute shopping, crowd the malls, the parking lots and the slippery roads. As cars speed on these slippery and dangerous roads, accidents are very hard to avoid even on the jolly holidays. According to statistics, the number of road incidents that happens around the days approaching the holidays is significantly higher compared to the road incidents during regular days. This is not really surprising considering how … (more) July 30, 2010