Auto Insurance Articles Archive for 2010

  • How to find discounts on car insurance for women

    by Jasper Ericks

    We all know that car insurance for women is cheaper. To get the best deals, women should know where to get their car insurance for women from. If they were to approach a regular auto insurance company, they may not get the best deal out of their car insurance for women. There are in fact several automobile insurance companies specialized in car insurance for women that they can consult. These companies offer coverage dedicated to women drivers that are not … (more) November 18, 2010

  • Why car insurance for women is cheaper than men’s

    by Jasper Ericks

    In comparison, car insurance for women is significantly cheaper than men’s car insurance because of statistics. Auto insurance companies do not base the evaluation of their rates solely on the gender of a person but on the studies that are attached to these genders. Most people would think that women drivers are more prone to accidents because of their inexperience. There is this stereotypical notion about women drivers that drives men to think that they are not safe drivers and … (more) November 17, 2010

  • Dealing with car insurance claims when you are the victim

    by Jasper Ericks

    When we are involved in a car accident, we know if we are the ones at fault or not. In cases where we are the victims, it is only reasonable for us to demand that the other party cover any damages to our vehicle, any injuries, as well as pain and suffering. So, how can we make sure that as victims we are well taken care of? First, we need to assess how bad the accident is. We need to … (more) November 17, 2010

  • Steps on how to file a car insurance claim

    by Jasper Ericks

    Filing a car insurance claim is a lengthy process. It is not as simple as reporting an accident to your auto insurance company and getting the funds for repair right away. There are certain protocols that they need to follow and being patient is the best attitude when it comes to these kinds of situations. If we are too eager to get money from our auto insurance policy, we might not get the best service. So, here are some steps … (more) November 16, 2010

  • Are there different kinds of car accident insurance

    by Jasper Ericks

    There are different kinds of car accident insurance that is available in the market. There are individual ones that cater to different types of people and there are also group car accident insurances that are specialized for different groups of people. When looking for a car accident insurance, one should know what is the most appropriate for their needs so they can easily incorporate it in their budget. Knowing the specifics of each kind of car accident insurance can help … (more) November 16, 2010

  • Get the appropriate car accident insurance for your needs

    by Jasper Ericks

    For first time auto insurance applicants, they might have the impression that car accident insurance come in one form and one goal, to cover the cost whenever a car accident occurs. But surely enough, getting a car insurance policy is not that easy. It is in fact a detailed process. We cannot just say that “hey, I was involved in a car crash. Come and cover my bills.” It’s not that simple. Auto insurance companies will let you choose what … (more) November 15, 2010

  • The difference between business car insurance and personal car insurance

    by Jasper Ericks

    The difference between a business car insurance and personal car insurance may seem undistinguishable for the reason that some business owners are able to use a vehicle for personal and business purposes. When there is only one driver of a regular vehicle that is used for both personal and business, most automobile insurance companies suggest business owners to have a regular personal auto insurance policy rather than getting a limited business car insurance. This is because whenever an accident occurs, … (more) November 15, 2010

  • Getting good deals for business car insurance through group auto insurance

    by Jasper Ericks

    Business owners can now benefit from the new group auto insurance that many auto insurance companies offer. This is a business car insurance deal that ensures a win-win situation for all parties – the policyholder, the insurer, and its investors. So how do we know if our company qualifies for such a deal and what is in the deal that makes it a good business car insurance?  Group auto insurance accommodates both big and small businesses as well as organizations … (more) November 14, 2010