Auto Insurance Articles Archive for May, 2010

  • Car Insurance for Car Non-Owners

    by Jasper Ericks

    Even car non-owners need car insurance. Having second thoughts? Consider these scenarios. Person A lives in a city where owning a car is not needed because there is good mass transit system to bring him wherever he needed to go. Driving a car can be necessary at some times. Instead of owning a car, it would be more economical to rent a car than to own one. Person B borrows a car from a family or a friend.                                              … (more) May 3, 2010

  • Shop to Save on Car Insurance

    by Jasper Ericks

    Having problems which auto insurance policy? There is a very convenient way to find what you need in just a matter of few seconds or minutes, plus you have the opportunity to save a lot in your premium. Getting online auto quotes always works for the consumer’s advantage. It makes policy shopping an easy job for busy working people. Befriend the Internet in a positive way and you will reap a lot of benefits. Auto quotes is an effective … (more) May 3, 2010

  • Non Standard Auto Insurance: Who are In?

    by Jasper Ericks

    The basic rule of thumb when shopping for auto insurance policies is to understand the jargons and its types. Have you heard the phrase non standard auto insurance? This is offered to drivers who are considered as high risk to insure.  Who are in for the non standard type? Drivers with the following characteristics are in for the category.  Below 20 years old 70 years old and above With multiple driving violations With DWIs and DUIs Drive a high … (more) May 2, 2010

  • How Beneficial is an Auto Liability Coverage?

    by Jasper Ericks

    Accidents happen on the road, but it has been tested that time and again they can reach as far as the high courts. Many car accidents develop into full blown litigations or lawsuits. For first time drivers, and people who have never encountered such a legal threat, it will really be a big headache—no, migraine. Especially when the driver is dealing with an accident that he himself caused. These cases will turn out to be a real big pain in … (more) May 2, 2010

  • Good Credit for Better Insurance Premiums

    by Jasper Ericks

    Automobile coverage and credit report are worlds apart from each other. While there is no seeming relation with each other, one may still affect the other. Automobile coverage is, like other types of liabilities, paid service. Just like utility bills wherein people pay for their electric and water consumption, drivers pay monthly premium for the accident insurance it provides. And all paid services will eventually show in the credit report of a person. Once a driver misses out on paying … (more) May 1, 2010

  • What Damages Does an Auto Comprehensive Coverage Pay For?

    by Jasper Ericks

    When someone says that something is comprehensive, the usual imagery that enters our minds is an all-inclusive procedure or policy. In the case of auto comprehensive coverage, people think of it as a type of coverage which will magically pay for everything when its policyholder is involved in an accident. Actually, there is some truth to this statement. But there is a need to know what exactly a comprehensive coverage pays for. If an auto collision insurance only pays for … (more) May 1, 2010