Most Recent Auto Insurance Articles in Car Insurance For Women

  • Car Insurance for Women – A Privilege Every Woman Must Take Advantage Of

    by Ricky Lawrence

    Discrimination is still rampant even though laws prohibit it. There are different forms of discrimination and one of the most common is discrimination against women. Most people call women and term them as members of the weaker gender. However, it is said that males and females are created equally and there should not be a weaker gender. Females do have strengths, and one of them is being the most responsible and safest drivers in the world. To show their support, … (more) December 21, 2009

  • Empowering Females With Car Insurance For Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    Women will be inclined to ask if they really need car insurance for women. It is true that they could always resort to the regular and non-gender policies available. However, it will not do any harm to learn more about the options available to them first before deciding if this gender-specific policy will work for them or not. Times are changing. Only male drivers dominated the roads before, but more and more women nowadays are becoming independent and are driving … (more) December 10, 2009

  • Car Insurance For Women: Finding The Best Deals

    by Ricky Lawrence

    Getting your car insured is not easy on the budget. Fortunately, if you are a female driver, there are different insurance policies specifically designed for women to save money. Why does gender make a difference in rates, and what are the things you should look for when looking for the best deal? The primary reason why car insurance for women is generally cheaper compared to men is because women statistically have a lesser risk of getting into a road accident … (more) December 2, 2009

  • Special Car Insurance for Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    Men are generally considered as the stronger and more dominating gender in society. However, there are cases that women are given special treatment over men. Take car insurance for women, for example. There is no insurance company that offers the same privilege for the opposite sex. There are no claims that women are better drivers, just plain facts that ladies commonly make less and cheaper claims. The write-offs are cheaper because damages are usually just minor bumps and a few … (more) November 28, 2009

  • What You Should Know About Car Insurance for Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    Whether you believe in double standards or not, women gain greater edge when it comes to availing car insurance. Before men could dispute this issue, statistics dictate that women are more careful drivers and only make smaller claims, not to mention claims on miniscule bumps and a few scratches. Women are found to be less likely to figure in a car mishap, they are the ones who drive more carefully, and cover lesser distances. These factors, too, give women the … (more) November 23, 2009

  • Unique and Cheap Car Insurance for Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    Most commonly, males do pay more for insurance premiums than the ladies. In general, car insurance for women is cheaper. Others attribute it to the fact that when two people of opposite sex are in a vehicle, it is mostly the men who would handle the wheel. In some instances, ladies just stay at home; making their driving mileage relatively lower, and thus the possibility of involvement in an accident also low. Insurers base cheaper rates of car insurance for … (more) November 22, 2009

  • How to Choose Good Car Insurance for Women

    by Ricky Lawrence

    All people who drive and own cars, regardless if they are young or old, need car insurance.  Since cars are designed for high-speed travel, accidents or collisions are inherent risks and gets amplified for drivers who are negligent in basic road courtesy and traffic laws. Car insurance gives people that added security that in case something untoward happens to their vehicle, they will receive compensation from insurers for repairs or even replacement. Insurance companies actually are more generous and effectively … (more) November 16, 2009

  • Car Insurance for Women: Empowering the Female Driver

    by Ricky Lawrence

    As years passed, more and more insurance companies started offering car insurance for women. The number of female drivers has been continuing to go up, thus increasing the market for female car insurance. The policies of car insurance for women are specifically designed to cater to female drivers. Together with the same regular auto policies, policies for women car coverage include female-friendly policies. For example, firms offer handbag insurance – a type of coverage intended to protect the policyholder’s handbag … (more) November 1, 2009