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Accessing Damages after Your Car Accident


Car accidents are inevitable even when you are driving safely on the road. In the middle of the accident, do make sure you know what to do next for you to avail the benefits of your insurance. Before you can claim you accident insurance you need to accomplish several requirements properly. Like any other accident insurance, supporting documents should first be accomplished like police reports, value appraisals, and car repair statements. Next thing is to file for you insurance claim and dealing with the other insurance company. To do that you need to do the following.

  1. Assure that the other driver accomplishes all requirements for his/her insurance and all information should be stated like telephone number, address and the type of vehicle. Also, take note of the insurance details of the other driver for you to know your liability.
  2. Give full cooperation and be honest in giving your estimates of the damages. Get full witness accounts to include the names of the witness and contact detail and take a picture of the incident to support you in your insurance claim.
  3. List down all property damaged during the accident like cellphone and luggage’s including valuables lost due to theft when the accident occurred.
  4.  Review all your insurance policies and what they cover. You might not have enough policies to cover other expenses or services that you’ll need after the accident like physical therapy. Ask your agent to notify you of any adjustments in your policy.
  5. Consult your attorney first before signing any waiver from the accident. And don’t accept any check that will a payoff for any damages and injuries incurred during the accident unless it fully covers all your expenses otherwise the insurance benefits has a wider coverage that’s why you need to be assured that the other party has a secured insurance especially when it’s his/her fault.
  6. Ask your agent what insurance coverage you can combine enough to pay the bills after the accident. This will help you lessen your expenses and liabilities acquired because of the car accident.

Remember to always update your auto insurance policies so can get the most of it when accidents occur. You can check other insurance providers on best plans they offer and how much it would cost you to avail the best policy. Knowing you options is always best for you to be confident that you are fully covered.