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Factors that affect auto insurance rates


Driving is an important aspect in current lifestyle. With the world becoming busier each day, the need t control time has become pressing, and by driving, people no longer have to rely on public transportation.

This is evidenced by the fact that when you go out on the streets you see cars all over and they seem to be adding up in numbers every day. This is not surprising given that people as early as the age of 16 can now drive their own cars in some states. More and more people are now embracing their own means of transportation for varying reasons. Some find driving necessary to go to work or to school day in and day out. Some drive for a living while some drive for leisure.

Whatever reasons a person may have for owning a car, one thing remains clear: auto insurance policies are important. In most states it is illegal to hit the road without any insurance coverage. The liability insurance is the most common minimum requirement by states for their drivers.

Aside from being mandated by the law people must also be motivated to get auto insurance policy for their own protection. With auto insurance, drivers can have some peace of mind knowing that even if untoward events come their way they can be well protected financially by their policy. The problem however with auto insurance is its price. Generally auto insurance policy is one expensive service with several factors influencing its rate.

There are uncontrollable factors that directly influence auto insurance rate like age and gender. Auto insurance companies operate primarily with the use of risk assessment. The more risky a policyholder can be, the more expensive their rate could be. When it comes to age teenage drivers receive the most expensive rate. Also seniors of age 75 and above are also posting more risk to insurance companies thus they receive expensive rates as well. Gender-wise males are generally considered to be more involved in car crashes than females thus they get to pay more for their policy.

Another factor that can directly influence auto insurance rate is the condition and type of car. Luxury cars like sports car would cost policy holders serious amount of money while safer and older model of car would cost less to insure. If the car was installed with safety devices insuring it would cost less.

The place where the car will be driven is another factor that could influence auto insurance rate. Basically insuring a car in urban areas where accidents are more likely to occur would cost more than insuring a vehicle in rural areas.

Driving records, credit history, car’s mileage are other factors that could either make auto insurance rate higher or lower.