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Lower the cost of auto insurance for seniors


Auto insurance is a mandatory requirement in all the states, irrespective of the age of the person. While auto insurance providers do consider older drivers to be safer as compared to the younger lot, the same does not apply to people over the age of 60. Insurance providers are of the view that as the person begins to age, his ability to drive safely decreases, considering the fact that most of them may have poor vision, lack of hearing and other medical issues. Since the risk associated with senior citizens is high, the insurance premiums for obtaining auto insurance for seniors are also pretty high. However, senior citizens mostly live on their pensions and welfare it is tough to afford those sky high premiums. Here are some ways in which you can lower the cost of coverage without compromising on it.

Find the right company

The first step towards getting affordable auto insurance policy for seniors is to find the company that specializes in such type of insurance. These companies offer greater discounts as compared to the rest. They take into consideration various factors that most other providers do not. You can find the list of these companies by going online.

Produce a safe driving record

Auto insurance providers are willing to throw in discounts if they can be sure that the person they are offering coverage to is a safe driver. If you have been driving for many years and have been able to maintain a clean and safe driving record, you can show this to your provider to get larger discounts.

Low mileage discounts

One of the advantages of being a senior citizen is that you do not have to drive as much as you did in your younger days. This can work in your favor when it comes to getting a good auto insurance coverage without burning a hole in your pocket. Inform the provider about the number of miles you drive on an average in a given month and find out if you are eligible for low mileage discounts. This will save you a lot of money on your premium.

Safety devices

Finally, it is important to fit your car with devices such as anti lock brakes and secure seat belts. These help minimize the impact of the accident. Installing other safety devices as well such as air bags and advanced lock mechanism in the car can also save you a significant amount of money.