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Types of Car Collisions You Should Know Before Getting Auto Collision Insurance


Auto collision insurance is one of the most common insurance policies people opt to buy, yet few really understand how it works. Their lack of knowledge is often because they do not fully understand what car collision is. Knowing the different types of car collisions can help car owners know how auto collision insurance may work to their benefit.

One type of car collision is called predetermined fault. This means that there is one driver who is specifically at fault because his negligence is very apparent based on the scene of an accident. If accident reports indicate that the other driver is at predetermined fault, you have a big chance of winning claims from your auto collision insurance.

Predetermined fault is classified into two main scenarios. First is rear-end collision and second is left-turn collision.

In rear-end collision, the driver of the car at the rear is always at fault. It is very seldom that a rear car driver will win this situation. It is a basic driving rule anywhere in the world to always keep a safe distance from the car in front of you. Even if the front car suddenly lost his brakes, if you were not tailing too close, then you would not have collided with the front car.

However, there are exceptions to this rule also. For example, if the front car’s brake lights are dead and you are driving at night, there is a big possibility that you have not seen it and therefore you hit the brakes too late. In this case, your insurance company will be quite lenient.

On the other hand, left-turn collision happens when one car turning left hit a car driving straight on the road. In this case, the driver who is at predetermined fault is the one making a left turn. It is a universal driving rule that any car turning left should give way to cars going straight. Car damage resulting from left-turn collision is quite obvious such that the negligent driver could hardly buy his way out of the situation.

However, there are also exceptions to left-turn collision. One clear example is if a driver going straight beat a red light. The left turner can always argue that it was his time to turn. In this case, the driver going straight is the negligent one. However, unfortunately, this is hard to prove if no one witnessed this scene.

Filing for claims in your auto collision insurance will depend largely if you were at fault in the accident or not, especially if you did not get a full coverage insurance.